Monthly Archives: July, 2014

July Issue



Exciting Times in Nepalese ELT!

Welcome to the July issue of the NELTA ELT Blog!

Are there any more exciting times than these for Nepalese English Language Teaching? The whole field is in a state of fermentation and dynamic change. As we investigate issues about learning and teaching, we begin to see the broader implications of education: what is knowledge? How do we communicate? How do we communicate our knowledge? How can we learn more quickly, efficiently, easily? How do we help make changes occur where they need to? How can we ourselves become better language learners, teachers, and writers?

This issue has several important articles about writing plus reading as communicative strategy including an inspiring interview with the current President of NELTA, Mr. Hemanta Raj Dahal where he shares his teaching career trajectories and the current affairs of NELTA at the center and different branches across Nepal. Babita Chapagain’s article on “Using Mentor Texts” shows a proven way of helping teachers help students to make writing a creative, joyful venture. Miriam Corneli’s article on various phases of the writing process is helpful to individual writers, teachers and students alike, to help inform the process of “what makes writing clear and comprehensible.”  Katherine Kubarski’s piece, echoing her recent training on Proposal Writing here in Kathmandu, shows the vital parts necessary for making a practical proposal. Additionally, Khemraj Sharma Acharya shares the joys and victories of being a new teacher in the Access program. Our other reflections from 2014 TESOLers on attending the TESOL conferences show the international scope and the Nepalese contribution to this Global Language Wave.

Writing has incomes and outcomes: writing can change people’s lives, whether through telling a story, making world-to-text relationships, helping create hope in the life of a student, or getting a proposal funded for better education. Or perhaps, one new idea from this blog will inspire one person, and that idea will bring about more changes… and the ripple effect has begun!

Happy reading and happy writing! We look forward to your dynamic “world-to-text” and “self-to-text” discoveries.

For your ease, you can navigate directly to these write-ups.


Miriam Corneli

Madhukar K.C.